seed effect is an agent of change. it starts with a life. it impacts a family.

it changes a community.

seed effect is a modest force that generates a significant effect. you invest with us, and together we plant the seeds that overcome poverty.

we issue a seed loan to a struggling entrepreneur. they invest in their business. along the way, we promote community, accountability, education, stewardship, and truth. now they can provide food, clean water, school fees and healthcare for their family. with the interest earned we issue another seed loan to another entrepreneur. the effect continues. the effect multiplies.

together we can plant a seed. join us.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

Making Sense of Sudan

This is a unique and incredibly important time for our brothers and sisters in Sudan. For so long, this country was ravaged by war leading to devastation, genocide, and oppression while the rest of the world turned its head. But things are different now. Advances in technology and it's recent availability in a country that was previously closed off has allowed for immediate communication of information. Things are different now because the world knows. We've learned about the atrocities committed and hopefully, prayerfully, this time we're watching. Hopefully, this time we won't turn our head...

Heather, Seed Effect's Program Development Supervisor posted this on Facebook today. Check out the Campaign Diary of Sudan on the SSRC Blog. It's a great discussion on the upcoming elections and current political scene in Sudan.

Also, for a detailed timeline of these elections and key events in Sudan, click HERE.

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