seed effect is an agent of change. it starts with a life. it impacts a family.

it changes a community.

seed effect is a modest force that generates a significant effect. you invest with us, and together we plant the seeds that overcome poverty.

we issue a seed loan to a struggling entrepreneur. they invest in their business. along the way, we promote community, accountability, education, stewardship, and truth. now they can provide food, clean water, school fees and healthcare for their family. with the interest earned we issue another seed loan to another entrepreneur. the effect continues. the effect multiplies.

together we can plant a seed. join us.

be a part of the seed effect.

Monday, August 31, 2009

it's official...

Last Tuesday, the team from Giant Technologies in Juba arrived to finalize connection of our 2.4 meter VSAT system.  It's purpose: to power Seed Effect's communications as well as provide Internet connectivity for Kajo Keji County (via the e3 Internet Café), vital communication and research capabilities for e3 Sudan's Bible College, and a platform for computer courses in e3 Sudan's Vocational and Primary Schools.  After a successful install, Kajo Keji, South Sudan and Seed Effect now have high-speed Internet!  Thanks to all you Seed Effecters for your prayers and support over the last few months- we're eagerly awaiting the coming months as we being to implement our Seed Loan Program, trusting God for His provision... If you haven't yet, won't you join us? Be a part of the Seed Effect.

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