seed effect is an agent of change. it starts with a life. it impacts a family.

it changes a community.

seed effect is a modest force that generates a significant effect. you invest with us, and together we plant the seeds that overcome poverty.

we issue a seed loan to a struggling entrepreneur. they invest in their business. along the way, we promote community, accountability, education, stewardship, and truth. now they can provide food, clean water, school fees and healthcare for their family. with the interest earned we issue another seed loan to another entrepreneur. the effect continues. the effect multiplies.

together we can plant a seed. join us.

be a part of the seed effect.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

team seed effect SUDAN: heather sumner

in an effort to introduce you to team seed effect SUDAN, here's the first of many bios...

heather sumner is our program development supervisor. she's currently living in sudan and working to aid the development and implementation of the educational portion of our program. 

about heather:

married:  nope

children: none

home town: tifton, georgia but currently residing in kajo keji, south sudan

favorite color: eggplant

hobbies: traveling, reading, hiking, working out, discovering new music, ethnic food, coffee, people-watching, being outdoors whenever possible

favorite food: sushi, dark chocolate

favorite sport/team: not a big sports fan, but I’ve strangely gotten into rugby lately...

other interesting details: Since living in Sudan I have developed this weird fascination with baby goats…

if you could tell the world anything else about yourself, what would it be?

“sometimes I look at my life and wonder how i ever ended up in sudan! God has brought me from the depths of a destructive and self-centered lifestyle, saving me from myself.   he has taken me on a difficult journey of healing, but now he is using that experience for his glory in the lives of others by bringing about radical change in a small rural community in south sudan.  daily he challenges me to live a sacrificial life devoted to following Christ and one that is dramatically different from the ideals of the american dream.”  

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