seed effect is an agent of change. it starts with a life. it impacts a family.

it changes a community.

seed effect is a modest force that generates a significant effect. you invest with us, and together we plant the seeds that overcome poverty.

we issue a seed loan to a struggling entrepreneur. they invest in their business. along the way, we promote community, accountability, education, stewardship, and truth. now they can provide food, clean water, school fees and healthcare for their family. with the interest earned we issue another seed loan to another entrepreneur. the effect continues. the effect multiplies.

together we can plant a seed. join us.

be a part of the seed effect.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

team seed effect SUDAN: rose dima

Meet Rose...

Rose serves as the Spiritual Integration Supervisor (SIS) for Seed Effect SUDAN.  Essentially, this means that she acts as the liaison between Seed Effect and the local church- working alongside the Loan Officers to share the gospel in the Cell Group Meetings and invite group members to the local discipleship groups in their area.  

About Rose: 

Married: 4 years to Edward Dima

Children: Joel Radlar Dima; Age: 2 1/2 

Home Town: Kajo Keji, South Sudan

Favorite Color: Green

Hobbies: Singing

Favorite Food: Beans and Posho

Favorite sport/team: Football

Other interesting details: Heather says,”Rose is an awesome servant for the Lord! She works very hard to pour into the women of and is mentor to many ladies in Kajo Keji.” 

If you could tell the world anything else about yourself, what would it be?

I have good friends from the States with whom we share the love of Christ to the lost.  Through serving the Lord, I have been exposed to many challenges that face different people, ranging from women, widows, orphans, and the elderly.  This has enabled me to support them in prayers and prepared me for my position at Seed Effect.”

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